Wayman Eddy Luy, vice president of Wayman Aviation Academy is a highly successful flight school that has training bases at Fort Lauderdale’s North Perry Airport (KHWO), and Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airports (KOPF), in Florida. The …

Wayman Eddy Luy, vice president of Wayman Aviation Academy is a highly successful flight school that has training bases at Fort Lauderdale’s North Perry Airport (KHWO), and Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airports (KOPF), in Florida. The flight school has 38 aircraft, 40 instructors, 120 full-time track students and approximately 100 students who live in the area.

Luy felt Wayman Aviation Academy lost some of its personal touch, as did many schools experiencing rapid growth. My family has been involved in this business for more than 30 years. We have always tried to make  a personal connection and build trust with each student. Luy explained that this has been more challenging as the business has grown.

Luy and his colleagues observed the bell-curve of student performance when they assessed their student population. Luy stated that “about 20 percent of our students performed exceptionally well, approximately 60 percent were Sea Ox Boats doing well, and around 20 percent were struggling at their lowest.

It was simple: bring a new member to the team. Christian was hired to fill the important position of student affairs manager. Luy stated that Christian’s expertise helped him to come up with creative solutions to the new problems we faced.

Next, we decided to focus more on helping the best students use their talents and energy to help struggling students. Luy stated, “The ah ha moment was when we asked the simple questions: “How can we get top 20 percent students to help the bottom 20%?” “The Student Leader Program was born from the answers to this question.

Eight student leaders are now part of Wayman Aviation Academy’s program. These students were chosen because they volunteered and were interviewed for the role. They supervise tutoring sessions both formal and informal, assist with student orientations, distribute information to students, and do other tasks as needed.

Wayman Aviation Academy adds two diesel models to its fleet

Wayman Aviation Academy added two diesel Cessna 172 jet A-burning models to its fleet, the Florida-based Part 141 training provider said this week at Sun & Fun. Wayman Aviation claims that such engines offer a number of benefits, including increased fleet availability. Compression ignition engines that burn jet A require less maintenance and emit lower levels of carbon dioxide than engines that burn unleaded avgas.

The Chiway Group has also been joined by Wayman Aviation Academy’s two locations in Hollywood North Perry Airport, Pembroke Pines (HWO), and Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport(OPF). The educational group also has several K-12 schools and two universities in China and Singapore.

Alfredo Luy, cofounder and director of flight operations at Wayman Aviation Academy said that “we are happy to take the next stage in the growth of this 31 year-old academy.” This will allow us to meet the global pilot shortage that threatens our global transportation requirements.